No Mind State

No Mind State is a 4-piece alternative rock band, comprisedoffour Norwegian natives residing in Oslo, Norway. As a collective, theirmusicalinfluencecomes from alternative rock,indie and post grunge bands like Foo Fighters, Queens Of The Stone Age, Arctic Monkeys& The Kooks. If you like catchymelodies and riffs with drive, No Mind State has gotyoucovered.
The first single from theirupcoming EP is a fire blazing statement ofintent, whilethenextupcoming singles display a widermusicalversatility. The highoctane debut single "Hold Me Back, I'mLeaving," grabsyourattention and makes youwant to putthe pedal to the metal. Coincidingwiththe single releaseonthe 6th ofOctober, the band alsomadetheirLondon debut at theiconicvenue, "The Water Rats" in Kings Cross. Coming from a successful sold out London debut, theyarenowready toreachnewcrowds in and around Norway andtheworld.
No Mind State is released by LA and Oslo basedlabel Golden Cuts Music, mastered by Warren Sokol at United Recordings (QOTSA, Foo Fighters, Green Day, Biffy Clyro, Radiohead), produced/recorded/mixed at PhatCat® Studios in Oslo Norway, making it a fullyinternationalproject.
«I reallyenjoyed putting the final polishingonthistrack. Can’twait to hear more songs from theseguys» - Warren Sokol (United Recordings)
«This single is awesome, going straight intoourtoplist» - Harstad Radio
«I’vereallyenjoyedworkingwith No Mind State! They have a greatthinggoingon, write killer tracks and I both hope and believetheywillgo far» - Klaas Snoek (Producer, Phatcat Studios)