Nubian Red
Born Sherika Harris in Kingston, Jamaica, May 13, 1984. Her early influence
in music spans various genres including reggae, jazz classical music and
rock. Nubian Red is on her journey with the sounds of JamRock, a fusion
of the eclectic Jamaican sounds with other genres.
Her first single “What You Say” was released in 2016 with great reviews
embracing her beautiful voice and unique music style. This was then
followed up with “Lost Thing” in 2018, a soulful Rock sound that is equally
aurally inspiring. In 2019 came her release of “Freight Train”, a powerful
Rock fusion focusing on Karma and how she works to balance the scales
of justice.
The name Nubian Red stems from her ancestry, she is a descendant of
Maroons, a people quite similar to the Nubians who are strong and of
Nomadic spirit. The choice of the colour Red is recognition of the bold
energy of the blood that connects humanity; we all run RED.
Nubian Red looks to the future positively while spreading a message of
Love and Light (enlightenment) through her music and the Nubian Red